Saturday 5 July 2014

Yummy, I Like Cake.

So my friend, Steve Warburton has challenged me to write a blog with this title. I am 2 days late. This is because I have 2 toddlers and we recently transitioned one to a big girl bed and sleep has been lacking. As has an overall feeling of sanity.

Oh and our car was deemed unsafe.

All on the day this was due.


Anyhow. Steve and I met so many years ago I can't even remember. Online, naturally. We met on a site called Christian Cafe. Its a dating site. I don't recommend it. Even though I met my amazing wonderful husband on it. Other than Josh and Steve, the other men I met were weird and creepy. Except for this one other very sweet guy who poured out his heart in his first ever message. Anyhow. The one time Steve and I met was at a pizza place called Tomasso's in Trenton Ontario. I was 45 minutes late due to many factors and he did not have a cell phone. I felt bad. I felt even worse how I greeted him when I arrived. I thre w my purse in the booth, apologized for my lateness and announced that I had to pee.
I make amazing first impressions.
The pizza was incredible. Steve did card tricks and taught me the real meaning behind "she bop" as it was playing and I was yammering on about it. He began to talk about Kurt Vonnegut and I was lost but glad that he wasn't talking about south park or some other related show.
On my 23rd birthday I went to a restaurant with some friends to celebrate. During this celebration I was brough a piece of chocolate birthday cake. It was might even say....."yummy" Somebody captured a picture of the cake and I and it became ( and, I believe, is currently) my MSN picture. Steve very much enjoyed this picture because I look so excited. I was actually quite depressed as my ex and I had broken up.
That night my friend Dan who had been missing for a while, making trips and around the continent had come. Wearing glasses that weren't his. It rained that night. He got into a car accident on his way to my house. In his parents car. I was pretty upset. Thankfully he was fine.
It was a fun night. My cousin Af cream pied me and I had to take a shower and leave all my friends to watch Lost in my living room with my mom.

Elisa turned one in January and discovered that she really liked cupcakes. Her grandma made a bunch and she and Josh decorated them. Elisa ate a cookie monster cupcake and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sophia doesn't really like cake. I'm sure she will come to love it in time though. If not, that is ok with me.

I made my grandma a cake from scratch when I was 12. It was terrible. Everyone pretended to like it. I was touched because I knew my grandpa would pretend to like it, but I didn't think grandma would.

The first birthday that Josh and I were together I made him a pie. I carted it from Peterborough, all the way to his school in Toronto, near Jane and Finch ( which incidentally, I visited when Sophia was about 10 months old and I was vastly pregnant with Elisa. I went to the mall there. I got a lot of weird stares. Until I got to dollarama. I was looking for headphones for my friend who was in the hospital near there. It was no scary. It was also 10am). This was a very long bus/subway/bus ride. It took me several hours to get there. I was there to watch the school concert. He was cranky with the students because they were being impertinent. One girl marched up to him and asked if he had eaten his lunch that day. He said yes. She looked thoughtful and walked away. I laughed heartily because he is often viciously cranky when he skips lunch, which is almost never now, thanks to moi. Once we finally got back to his apartment, the smile of the happy face I had drawn in the pie looked like it was drooling.

Our wedding cake had amazingly yummy icing. It was made by my best friends parents and sister. They made several cakes I was told. I unfortunately did not get to see this and paid them a ridiculously tiny amount of money. It was very pretty and I didn't get to finish my piece and was very very sad. We had a hunk left for our first anniversary though. It was a cream cheese icing. Mmmmmm.

Yummy, I Like Cake.


  1. Oh, boy. I remember calling to let you know I'd be late... from the scene of the accident. HA. Style.

  2. This is a fantastic story. You are the biggest cake fan in the world. If there was a magazine called PEOPLE WHO LIKE CAKE, you would be on the cover of every issue (kind of like how Oprah is always on the cover of hers.)

    Cake rocks!!! Rah rah rah!!! I LIKE CAKE!!!!
