Wednesday 4 December 2013

Ten Random thoughts from today

First off lets just say today did not start out in the happiest of manner. I was ready to lose it on someone before 7am. Anyone. Preferably a stranger. Though, really preferably not.

1. *reading the calendar from the early years centre* ...breastfeeding with santa.....??? generally santa is an old unlactating man?? confused?....oh no that says BREAKFAST with santa. Wow.

2. Why does the rockabye version of Green Day's "Basketcase" render my children silent almost everytime its put on? ( making it a VERY valuable song)

3. Why did someone throw that perfectly good, comfy looking chair out on the lawn??

4. WHY do stores have to block the most convenient aisles?!?!?! WHY am I shopping with one child in a shopping cart and another in a stroller?!?!?!

5. Why do I want a frosty so bad? and then many points is this entire lunch going to be?.....and later still......why did I have wendys for lunch?!

6. My pants are literally falling off

7. Really shouldn't try and carry two children into the house at once. Really glad I didnt drop Sophia right on her DID she end up flipping right over and almost falling on the driveway? Crap....really wish my "terrified" word was not sh*t cuz now the ONE time I say it, shes going to start running around yelling it.
(so far this has not come true)

8. Shouldn't have had a mahjongg binge last night....all i can see are cues with shapes on them when I close my eyes....

9. This isnt a random thought actually but just something fun. Last night I dreamt I was making cocktails with my parents. My mom is the lightest light weight ever and almost never drinks. Anyway.....she wanted a moscow cocktail. WHich is vodka and mashed potatos. The mashed potatos are supposed to substitute for cream.

10. sleepsleepsleepsleep
