Tuesday 5 November 2013

Today was interesting....

So Im still sick, but Im feeling significantly better. I didnt take any sinus meds, therefore remained awake....non drowsy medication my butt!!!

Speaking of my butt ( and that seriously wasn't intended to be a segue, it kinda just happened)...
So I have a tendency to keep clothes forever, as long as they fit me. One item of clothing that has remained constant through my weight ups and downs for the past oh...ten years has been pj pants. The pj pants I was wearing today I actually acquired from attending cornerstone music festival (RIP CStone what memories you hold) and my friend leaving his pjs in my car ( not to mention a tent...which i was not paying to ship all the way to Wyoming) 8 years ago.
I was also sporting an ancient tank top, greasy hair and glasses.
Im sick ok? Leave me be.
Men cover you eyes.....

I was also braless. This, as all women will understand, adds a WHOLE new horrible aspect to the story.

Men uncover your eyes

So S and I were downstairs during E's nap and we were playing with the rocking "horseys" I sat down on the wooden one and thought, gee my butt is kind cold......then i realized....
they had split.
not just a bit. All. the. way.
Well, I figured, Im having a shower when Josh gets home, and im wearing undergarments so I'll just wait until later to change. Its not like anyone is going to see me.


It was naptime. 1:10pm. Im sitting at the computer doing christmas shopping. I hear what I suspect to be a knock. I consider not investigating but the potentiality of the children waking up from a persistent knocker is one I dont want to chance. I grab a blanket and pause for a second trying to think of some better way to cover myself, realize that there isnt and dash upstairs.
Its the purolator man.
( Justine will laugh hysterically over this)

He was delivering a nielson home scanner. He chuckled a bit. Can't say I blamed him. Thankfully he didnt see my split panted rear end. Sigh. Just when I thought I would have a boring day.

Hubbie has been singing O Tannenbaum to the girls. I know like two lines so I sing those two lines. Ok three if you count "O Tannenbaum O Tannenbaum" Anyway, S calls it "Ten en en ah boom" Its very cute. She also calls my care bear bijou which is also cute but totally incorrect.

E is crawling fairly effectively now. She still gets one leg caught underneath her, sideways, but she makes up for it by using her little baby arm muscles and taking advantage of the wood floors.
Her fun story for today was during bath time. She randomly had a piece of green bean dangling out of her mouth. We didnt feed her a green bean.....so I took it out. Then, when I was taking her out of the tub (We bath the girls together but E generally gets out first,) I wrap her up and then bend down to let S "kiss" her goodnight, and then to hubbie to say goodnight. Thankfully, whenever E gets kissed she has a huge open mouthed grin.....cuz when hubbie kissed her I discovered that she had TWO MORE pieces of green bean in her mouth!!! Thank God we saw it so she didnt fall asleep and choke on them! But honestly!!!! What a kid. She eats EVERYTHING and ANYTHING

Really gotta make sure we dump the pooed in diapers immediately.

hubbies home now. Time for our shows Weeeeee!!

Monday 4 November 2013

So this blog post is going to be a little confusing. To make it less confusing, lets just pretend its friday night. Cuz thats when I started writing this. I then sent it to my email. So. ya. 

I'm not going to lie, being home alone today was a little freaky

During nap time, after I had tidied up the mess that hurricane grocery/children/ disorganized mother aka me had created, I was downstairs stuffing the cloth diapers and watching contagion on netflix. Now, contagion isn't exactly creepy, but it has a creepiness about it. Maybe  the whole virus wiping out a ton of people, and the music. Definitely the biggest creepy factor was provided by the music. Anyway it had creep factor. Also, outside the wind was roaring like mad and carried an eeriness with it. It would've been a perfect day to sit around reading a good mystery. It eventually brightened up a little and settled down. Not before covering the inside of our landing with leaves between all the run ins and outs I did with the girls today.

So my blogging has been quite scattered. My dad was visiting off and on for the past week. I can't even remember the last time I blogged. I'm at work right now, writing this to my email because I'm paranoid that somehow the location of my client can be revealed and the college of curses of Ontario will shatter my good name in the back pages of their magazine and and strip me of my license. Speaking of which I need to renew....... 

Last Thursday, josh and I went out on a date while dad "babysat" . I say that in quotations cuz the kids were asleep. We had intended to go to a local pub that we love (not to mention, also had a coupon for) but it was totally packed. This was disappointing, but since hubbie had a hankering for wings he asked if we could go to wild wing and I said sure. He was so happy.

His happiness was dashed. Wild wing in our town is no longer open.

So we felt rather deflated and pretty much starving as by this time it was 2 1/2 hours past our normal dinner time and we had been saving up points for this dinner! Finally we decided to check out a burger place called the works.

For those of you familiar with wild wing, The Works is basically a wild wing for burgers.
With gluten free buns
That taste awful

Very creative burgers. Once I decided to not eat the bun I really enjoyed my turkey with tomato, avacado and spicy cheese sauce burger. There were some really crazy kinds for sure. We also went to baskin Robbins after and as we are standing there deciding eh at to get, josh starts looking at me very oddly. He then demands that I listen. 

There was hillsong. Playing in baskin Robbins. What what??  It was definitely cool to sit there eating ice cream, listening to worship music. Turns out the lady working goes to our old church. She just hooks her iPhone up to the speaker. 

Friday night we also went out ( ya I gained 2.5lbs this week ugh....hoping for a better result this Monday evening) to lonestar with our friends who are about to have baby #2 so soon. We got our babysitter earlier than they did so we went for a drive. We wanted to find a place to walk but the weather was kind of crappy. We did end up going to the lake to check out a rainbow we had seen while driving. Josh tried to take a picture of it, but it didnt look so great. Then we discussed how even with all the technology we have, nothing can really capture or rival the beauty of God's artistry. 

I. Love. Lonestar
Lonestar is kind of a tex mex type place. Neither of us had ever been before. These people make their own tortillas. You can watch them doing it too! We were actually seated right in front of the tortilla maker. This made me very happy because I was very cold and it was emitting a lot of heat. So since we had a bit of time to kill I got warmed up and took about 20 minutes to decide what I wanted.
Really wished that wheat didnt hate my body....i tasted one of my friend's tortillas..and...it...was...amazing.....

Anyway, I had fajitas with lettuce wraps! Extremely delicious.

Saturday was a horrible day. Aside from talking to my seester. After that it pretty much went downhill. Pretty sure I was having some spiritual attack stuff going on. It resolved after i broke down crying on sunday morning and got Josh to pray for me. Then at church a few of the things plaguing me were answered positively so......that made sunday better.

I just realized I haven't blogged in AGES

This is going to be a long one.

My dad was visiting earlier in the week again. It was nice to spend time with him. He took S on a lot of walks and taught her that fire hydrants have water in them ( so now she calls the one near our park "yellow water" ), that the round garbage cans aren't boxes, they are barrels "burrel" and im pretty sure he taught her that wood chips aren't cookies, they are wood. Cuz now, instead of calling them cookies, she calls them wood. lol.

Wednesday I went to the moms group at my old church. I really enjoy listening to that particular speaker because I identify so much with how she describes herself when she first became a parent. I need to learn to write things down so I can remember them. Basically one of her main points was that god isnt calling us to raise successful perfect children but to be faithful to Him in our teaching and overall raising of our children. If our kids go off and be murderers and stuff thats not necessarily our fault....because theres that factor of our kids having free will. Who wants a relationship that isnt genuinely reciprocated? Anyway, i really enjoyed it and almost cried at one point but i guess now that im no longer pregnant, im able to be stoic again? maybe? Though im not sure being stoic is the greatest thing for emotional health.

Friday morning, I was getting ready to drive Josh to work so that i could get groceries done, as it was my work weekend. I was ust thinking about how we were going to get out of the house on time when i heard a thud and a screaming cry and realized it was coming from the basement.
Poor little S had snuck by and made her way down the stairs....and landed on the cement floor. By the time I got to her she had already stood up and was, understandably, shrieking. I checked her out and prayed that not taking her to the hospital wasn't going to cause her brain damage, because I couldn't see anything that made going to the hospital necessary. Anyway, she seemed fine all day. Saturday morning, when I went in to get her, I usually cuddle with her while she has her milk. I was stroking her hair and realized she had a bump on the back of her head. And it was big. And fluidy. Well I began to panic and thought oh geez, i should've taken her to the hospital, she has a hematoma and they are going to have to drain it and I'll have to pin her down and it will be just awful!!!!!!

It disappeared sunday morning. lol.

I did take her to the ER though. Let me just say, our local ER....amazing. We were in and out in half an hour. I called in to cancel work because I thought that we'd be there for hours. I texted ( yes, my manager texts) my manager and was like ummm i guess i could come to work? but she said i didnt have to if i wanted to keep an eye on S, which I did, so i stayed home and we started christmas decorating. It was good too because I started feeling like i was having a flare up. Such terrible pain for the past two days.....

then sunday i was smacked with a cold.

That made today fun fun fun

So lately, whenever I get sick, I feel weak and shaky. All. the. time. Lightheaded....etc. SInuses arent really that bad so...yeah. It was very much a one minute at a time kind of day. Thankfully S wasn't too antsy with having been cooped up all day ( i can't walk when im sick because my asthma severly decreases my ability to move around and still get enough oxygen). My sweet friend Leanne came by to drop off a tea for me. After an hour or so, S managed to grow go go gadget arms, grab it from the table and dump it all over herself while I was trying to put E to bed. Thankfully it was no longer boiling hot, just warm. Then, after lunch, S managed to grow go go gadget arms AGAIN, get her juice cup which was full ( we pour little bits into another cup so she can drink bits at a time) and dumped it all over her face and hair and clothes. This meant bath time.
Then, just as i finished with S I could hear this horrible noise from the living room and it was E puking. LIke for real. Not spit up. She appeared to be choking. She finally finished barfing all over herself and me, so then that called for another bath. Except she had pooed. I didnt get it all off of her so there were a bunch of bits in the water.


and now i am tired and am ready for bed. its only 8.
Also, I have 13 points left for my day. As if they are going to get eaten.