Wednesday 4 December 2013

Ten Random thoughts from today

First off lets just say today did not start out in the happiest of manner. I was ready to lose it on someone before 7am. Anyone. Preferably a stranger. Though, really preferably not.

1. *reading the calendar from the early years centre* ...breastfeeding with santa.....??? generally santa is an old unlactating man?? confused?....oh no that says BREAKFAST with santa. Wow.

2. Why does the rockabye version of Green Day's "Basketcase" render my children silent almost everytime its put on? ( making it a VERY valuable song)

3. Why did someone throw that perfectly good, comfy looking chair out on the lawn??

4. WHY do stores have to block the most convenient aisles?!?!?! WHY am I shopping with one child in a shopping cart and another in a stroller?!?!?!

5. Why do I want a frosty so bad? and then many points is this entire lunch going to be?.....and later still......why did I have wendys for lunch?!

6. My pants are literally falling off

7. Really shouldn't try and carry two children into the house at once. Really glad I didnt drop Sophia right on her DID she end up flipping right over and almost falling on the driveway? Crap....really wish my "terrified" word was not sh*t cuz now the ONE time I say it, shes going to start running around yelling it.
(so far this has not come true)

8. Shouldn't have had a mahjongg binge last night....all i can see are cues with shapes on them when I close my eyes....

9. This isnt a random thought actually but just something fun. Last night I dreamt I was making cocktails with my parents. My mom is the lightest light weight ever and almost never drinks. Anyway.....she wanted a moscow cocktail. WHich is vodka and mashed potatos. The mashed potatos are supposed to substitute for cream.

10. sleepsleepsleepsleep


Tuesday 5 November 2013

Today was interesting....

So Im still sick, but Im feeling significantly better. I didnt take any sinus meds, therefore remained awake....non drowsy medication my butt!!!

Speaking of my butt ( and that seriously wasn't intended to be a segue, it kinda just happened)...
So I have a tendency to keep clothes forever, as long as they fit me. One item of clothing that has remained constant through my weight ups and downs for the past oh...ten years has been pj pants. The pj pants I was wearing today I actually acquired from attending cornerstone music festival (RIP CStone what memories you hold) and my friend leaving his pjs in my car ( not to mention a tent...which i was not paying to ship all the way to Wyoming) 8 years ago.
I was also sporting an ancient tank top, greasy hair and glasses.
Im sick ok? Leave me be.
Men cover you eyes.....

I was also braless. This, as all women will understand, adds a WHOLE new horrible aspect to the story.

Men uncover your eyes

So S and I were downstairs during E's nap and we were playing with the rocking "horseys" I sat down on the wooden one and thought, gee my butt is kind cold......then i realized....
they had split.
not just a bit. All. the. way.
Well, I figured, Im having a shower when Josh gets home, and im wearing undergarments so I'll just wait until later to change. Its not like anyone is going to see me.


It was naptime. 1:10pm. Im sitting at the computer doing christmas shopping. I hear what I suspect to be a knock. I consider not investigating but the potentiality of the children waking up from a persistent knocker is one I dont want to chance. I grab a blanket and pause for a second trying to think of some better way to cover myself, realize that there isnt and dash upstairs.
Its the purolator man.
( Justine will laugh hysterically over this)

He was delivering a nielson home scanner. He chuckled a bit. Can't say I blamed him. Thankfully he didnt see my split panted rear end. Sigh. Just when I thought I would have a boring day.

Hubbie has been singing O Tannenbaum to the girls. I know like two lines so I sing those two lines. Ok three if you count "O Tannenbaum O Tannenbaum" Anyway, S calls it "Ten en en ah boom" Its very cute. She also calls my care bear bijou which is also cute but totally incorrect.

E is crawling fairly effectively now. She still gets one leg caught underneath her, sideways, but she makes up for it by using her little baby arm muscles and taking advantage of the wood floors.
Her fun story for today was during bath time. She randomly had a piece of green bean dangling out of her mouth. We didnt feed her a green I took it out. Then, when I was taking her out of the tub (We bath the girls together but E generally gets out first,) I wrap her up and then bend down to let S "kiss" her goodnight, and then to hubbie to say goodnight. Thankfully, whenever E gets kissed she has a huge open mouthed grin.....cuz when hubbie kissed her I discovered that she had TWO MORE pieces of green bean in her mouth!!! Thank God we saw it so she didnt fall asleep and choke on them! But honestly!!!! What a kid. She eats EVERYTHING and ANYTHING

Really gotta make sure we dump the pooed in diapers immediately.

hubbies home now. Time for our shows Weeeeee!!

Monday 4 November 2013

So this blog post is going to be a little confusing. To make it less confusing, lets just pretend its friday night. Cuz thats when I started writing this. I then sent it to my email. So. ya. 

I'm not going to lie, being home alone today was a little freaky

During nap time, after I had tidied up the mess that hurricane grocery/children/ disorganized mother aka me had created, I was downstairs stuffing the cloth diapers and watching contagion on netflix. Now, contagion isn't exactly creepy, but it has a creepiness about it. Maybe  the whole virus wiping out a ton of people, and the music. Definitely the biggest creepy factor was provided by the music. Anyway it had creep factor. Also, outside the wind was roaring like mad and carried an eeriness with it. It would've been a perfect day to sit around reading a good mystery. It eventually brightened up a little and settled down. Not before covering the inside of our landing with leaves between all the run ins and outs I did with the girls today.

So my blogging has been quite scattered. My dad was visiting off and on for the past week. I can't even remember the last time I blogged. I'm at work right now, writing this to my email because I'm paranoid that somehow the location of my client can be revealed and the college of curses of Ontario will shatter my good name in the back pages of their magazine and and strip me of my license. Speaking of which I need to renew....... 

Last Thursday, josh and I went out on a date while dad "babysat" . I say that in quotations cuz the kids were asleep. We had intended to go to a local pub that we love (not to mention, also had a coupon for) but it was totally packed. This was disappointing, but since hubbie had a hankering for wings he asked if we could go to wild wing and I said sure. He was so happy.

His happiness was dashed. Wild wing in our town is no longer open.

So we felt rather deflated and pretty much starving as by this time it was 2 1/2 hours past our normal dinner time and we had been saving up points for this dinner! Finally we decided to check out a burger place called the works.

For those of you familiar with wild wing, The Works is basically a wild wing for burgers.
With gluten free buns
That taste awful

Very creative burgers. Once I decided to not eat the bun I really enjoyed my turkey with tomato, avacado and spicy cheese sauce burger. There were some really crazy kinds for sure. We also went to baskin Robbins after and as we are standing there deciding eh at to get, josh starts looking at me very oddly. He then demands that I listen. 

There was hillsong. Playing in baskin Robbins. What what??  It was definitely cool to sit there eating ice cream, listening to worship music. Turns out the lady working goes to our old church. She just hooks her iPhone up to the speaker. 

Friday night we also went out ( ya I gained 2.5lbs this week ugh....hoping for a better result this Monday evening) to lonestar with our friends who are about to have baby #2 so soon. We got our babysitter earlier than they did so we went for a drive. We wanted to find a place to walk but the weather was kind of crappy. We did end up going to the lake to check out a rainbow we had seen while driving. Josh tried to take a picture of it, but it didnt look so great. Then we discussed how even with all the technology we have, nothing can really capture or rival the beauty of God's artistry. 

I. Love. Lonestar
Lonestar is kind of a tex mex type place. Neither of us had ever been before. These people make their own tortillas. You can watch them doing it too! We were actually seated right in front of the tortilla maker. This made me very happy because I was very cold and it was emitting a lot of heat. So since we had a bit of time to kill I got warmed up and took about 20 minutes to decide what I wanted.
Really wished that wheat didnt hate my body....i tasted one of my friend's

Anyway, I had fajitas with lettuce wraps! Extremely delicious.

Saturday was a horrible day. Aside from talking to my seester. After that it pretty much went downhill. Pretty sure I was having some spiritual attack stuff going on. It resolved after i broke down crying on sunday morning and got Josh to pray for me. Then at church a few of the things plaguing me were answered positively so......that made sunday better.

I just realized I haven't blogged in AGES

This is going to be a long one.

My dad was visiting earlier in the week again. It was nice to spend time with him. He took S on a lot of walks and taught her that fire hydrants have water in them ( so now she calls the one near our park "yellow water" ), that the round garbage cans aren't boxes, they are barrels "burrel" and im pretty sure he taught her that wood chips aren't cookies, they are wood. Cuz now, instead of calling them cookies, she calls them wood. lol.

Wednesday I went to the moms group at my old church. I really enjoy listening to that particular speaker because I identify so much with how she describes herself when she first became a parent. I need to learn to write things down so I can remember them. Basically one of her main points was that god isnt calling us to raise successful perfect children but to be faithful to Him in our teaching and overall raising of our children. If our kids go off and be murderers and stuff thats not necessarily our fault....because theres that factor of our kids having free will. Who wants a relationship that isnt genuinely reciprocated? Anyway, i really enjoyed it and almost cried at one point but i guess now that im no longer pregnant, im able to be stoic again? maybe? Though im not sure being stoic is the greatest thing for emotional health.

Friday morning, I was getting ready to drive Josh to work so that i could get groceries done, as it was my work weekend. I was ust thinking about how we were going to get out of the house on time when i heard a thud and a screaming cry and realized it was coming from the basement.
Poor little S had snuck by and made her way down the stairs....and landed on the cement floor. By the time I got to her she had already stood up and was, understandably, shrieking. I checked her out and prayed that not taking her to the hospital wasn't going to cause her brain damage, because I couldn't see anything that made going to the hospital necessary. Anyway, she seemed fine all day. Saturday morning, when I went in to get her, I usually cuddle with her while she has her milk. I was stroking her hair and realized she had a bump on the back of her head. And it was big. And fluidy. Well I began to panic and thought oh geez, i should've taken her to the hospital, she has a hematoma and they are going to have to drain it and I'll have to pin her down and it will be just awful!!!!!!

It disappeared sunday morning. lol.

I did take her to the ER though. Let me just say, our local ER....amazing. We were in and out in half an hour. I called in to cancel work because I thought that we'd be there for hours. I texted ( yes, my manager texts) my manager and was like ummm i guess i could come to work? but she said i didnt have to if i wanted to keep an eye on S, which I did, so i stayed home and we started christmas decorating. It was good too because I started feeling like i was having a flare up. Such terrible pain for the past two days.....

then sunday i was smacked with a cold.

That made today fun fun fun

So lately, whenever I get sick, I feel weak and shaky. All. the. time. Lightheaded....etc. SInuses arent really that bad so...yeah. It was very much a one minute at a time kind of day. Thankfully S wasn't too antsy with having been cooped up all day ( i can't walk when im sick because my asthma severly decreases my ability to move around and still get enough oxygen). My sweet friend Leanne came by to drop off a tea for me. After an hour or so, S managed to grow go go gadget arms, grab it from the table and dump it all over herself while I was trying to put E to bed. Thankfully it was no longer boiling hot, just warm. Then, after lunch, S managed to grow go go gadget arms AGAIN, get her juice cup which was full ( we pour little bits into another cup so she can drink bits at a time) and dumped it all over her face and hair and clothes. This meant bath time.
Then, just as i finished with S I could hear this horrible noise from the living room and it was E puking. LIke for real. Not spit up. She appeared to be choking. She finally finished barfing all over herself and me, so then that called for another bath. Except she had pooed. I didnt get it all off of her so there were a bunch of bits in the water.


and now i am tired and am ready for bed. its only 8.
Also, I have 13 points left for my day. As if they are going to get eaten. 

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Oh bloggy blog blog how i've missed you. My babies aren't giving me as much me time anymore so you have gone to the way side.
But I still love you.

This is a busy week. But a good week.

S has been reading her bible while sitting on the toilet more lately. She has been demanding it almost angrily. She loves to read about Noma, and his auk. (Noah and ark) I pointed out to her that Jesus has hair on his face like grandpa. Now whenever she sees that picture she calls Jesus Grandpa. At least now she is saying grandpa. Except now shes not saying

Monday Sarah and Nessa, my dear college friends came to visit. Sarah brought her beautiful happy baby, Nessa brought beautiful donuts. I ate 2 1/2 of them. My body ached unbelievably afterwards. It was so nice to hang out with them. Its great to have friends that you can see once a year ( or once every four years lol) and feel like no time has passed. Except for the children thing. We had a good time reminiscing and hanging out with the girls.

I made a gigantic stew, thinking Nessa was staying and not that Nessa eats alot, but for some reason I felt the need to be ridiculously prepared. We barely made a dent in it. Though it was mostly vegetables. The meat wasnt thawed and i didnt have time to let it thaw, so it was very large lumps of stewing beef. Heh. I just dumped them in. So its full of vegetables and not much else. Enough leftovers to feed an army.

Yesterday, my dear Emily came to visit. I woke up at the crack of dawn so i could take Josh to school and pick her up from the train station. ON the way to picking her up, S started getting very ornery so I just kept saying " we're going to get auntie Emily" in a happy sing song voice and S kept saying " em uh yee" over and over again.
She had a doll named Emily when she was younger. It was attached to the arm of her car seat so she had something to look at in the car.
She frequently beat it. Viciously.
But she likes the real Emily. Thankfully she doesn't try to beat her. Emily also doesn't make crinkle noises though. So that makes sense.

We went to the mall and S ran around. She isnt so interested in pushing the stroller anymore so that's become awfully problematic.  We also went to superstore.
Food shopping with Emily is always interesting. She finds things that you have never seen before and they are always ridiculously cheap.
Quote of the day " OH! whats this!? They don't have this where I come from!"
Although I recall saying a similar thing the first time I went to a grocery store in Brampton with my cousin Tine and saw strange and wonderful fruits. She thought I was crazy. I now understand why.
We went home and I made a lasagna ( 5 pts per slice....large ya!!!) and Emily cleaned my kitchen floor.
And made glutino boxed cookies which taste more like cake but are really good. Ugh.

Josh and I are now both down 16 pounds each. I somehow managed to lose 8 pounds in two weeks. I blame it on the stomach bug ( even though there was no puking). Josh can't wear his wedding ring anymore cuz it just falls off. Sickening no? So im not a pound less than pre S pregnancy, but naturally my body is completely not the same. Yay.

Dad is visiting. Currently he is watching judge Judy with Josh. I feel like my childhood is back. *shudder* My dad used to watch way way way too much judge Judy. It enraged my mom and I. We can't stand her. Now, Im just like "meh" Josh and dad are philosophising now about idiots and money.

On a sad note, one of my tastyfresh friends passed away yesterday.
(tastyfresh being an online dance music community i used to practically live on back in my early 20s...not really on there anymore because of the children but i still talk to a lot of my old friends from time to time)
I didnt know Kevin well but what I did know about him was that he was a good guy and a lot of people are going to really miss him. Unfortunately he was young, and those of us who have passed on were all young. The only comfort is that we do not mourn like those that do not have hope. We will all be together again

and now i should go socialize with the men now that judge judy is gone.

Friday 18 October 2013

For as long as I can remember, I've disliked wearing socks.

Tonight I discovered that I hate wearing socks that are too big.

I worked tonight and with the craziness of the day ( as in the zero times today the girls napped at the same time, S napped way early and therefore was crusty not to mention, I believe E is dropping a nap) I didn't notice that A. I had no clean work pants and B. I had no visible clean socks. This meant jeans and Josh's socks. Thankfully I wasn't being audited.

So I clearly haven't blogged in ages. This is for several reasons. Lets make a long story short. Thanksgiving happened. Nice time with the family. Except the touch of stomach bug that affected each of us, some worse than others and is continuing to affect the girls(C diff poo odour has got NOTHING on my babies right now ughhhhh) and the cold I came down with. I spent a lot of time in bed Monday, despite my dad who I hadn't seen since march being here. Though there are other reasons for that too but that won't be blogged until I have some more information......

As I said my dad was here, as was my mom so we took the opportunity to use the help to go to the doctor ( rather, mom ordered me to go to the doctor and since E needed her scheduled check up and S needed a referral to a specialist anyway I decided we'd all go. This is basically how every visit to our doctor goes) Dad walked S around the parking lot while it was my turn and they apparently counted 29 cars with licence plates that started with B.

My doctor is maybe 2 years older than me and has a good sense of humour. We have made previous references to the extreme whiteness of S ( he is not white so his comments were carefully stated and in appropriate manner such as being very careful in sun but I blew political correctness out of the water cuz frankly, she is Casper) conversation as follows during E's check up:
Dr:  to E " you are quite pale"
Me: Really? I thought she was darker than S
Dr:everything is relative
Me: I thought you were going to say everything is darker than S
Dr:(smirking) you said it , I didn't

I also got him to weigh me to double check the correctness of our scale because it said I had lost 5lbs this week. It was right!!!2 more pounds til per S weight! Not like my body looks anything the way it did before, but at least my shelf has decreased a lot ( my shelf is this weird ledge I get over my butt when I gain weight. It's hereditary. And weird.  My old college friend Belinda actually patted it once and called it "African butt" she's African. )

I saw Christmas lights up on my way home from work tonight and I seriously felt warmth in my heart.  Normally I'm bah humbug til November 1 but this year I have had Christmas music in my head. Pre November....per Halloween.....even per thanksgiving! My husband is wearing off on me. I had met him in November and I remember telling him the following April that it was time to take down his Christmas tree. I think he only agreed because he was moving that June.

Well I figured I'd get a blog in so I could use it as wind down time since Hubble passed out about 5 minutes after I got home....poor soul. We are both horrifically wiped. S has been waking really early and pounding the crap out of her crib , waking us and E up before 5 the past few mornings. She's also been snorting up a storm. Teeth? Illness? Trying to kill us? Maybe a bit of all of it?

I heard this on my way home from work. It makes me feel 22 again. I love it. It unfortunately for absolutely no logical reason, reminds me of my ex which is the only downside.

Goodnight all

Tuesday 8 October 2013


Ive said it before, I'll say it again. I love fall.

I so miss Peterborough right now. I have been having frequent yearnings ( YES I said yearnings) to walk by the liftlocks on that path with all the pretty trees and gorgeous leaves and crunch all the ones on the ground and just breath in the relaxed atmosphere ( so like on a the morning....).

Or looking all fall fashionista with one (or two....or three) of my favourite scarves walking downtown with some fancy hot drink, window shopping ( and nabbing one of those custard tart thingys at Nata's that are probably NOT weight watchers friendly but and heading to chapters to spend the entire day reading ( crunching leaves all the way!!! Though there really arent that many trees....but in my mind there are!)

Yeah Im a little homesick. Sort of.

But I do love Peterborough in the fall. And summer.

For thanksgiving, we ( and mom) are going to my inlaws. I'm looking forward to getting to spend some time with family. Its been a bit of an emo past few days. Im going to be making this: click here to see yummy goodness. Pretty sure the only 500 calories thing is a lie but Im going to make it gluten free and I will let you all know how it turns out....not like thanksgiving period is going to be weight watchers friendly but whatever. Its better than stocking up on mickey D's.

Speaking of WW, im down another pound. Yay!!! only 7 more to go to pre pregnancy weight!

Today we walked. S was walking with me, and kept looking at the leaves. There are a lot more on the ground than last time she walked and so she kept stopping and peering at them. She picked up a couple and looked at me like "what are these?" I told her she should give one to sister ( which by the way is what she calls E now - thanks to me i know). She showed them to her and then took them away lol. I gave E one and she ended up kind of eating Great mother eh? We went to the library and when I took E out I realized that she had puked all. over. herself. Naturally I had no change of clothing but I knew if I tried to keep her in that stroller without giving her some freedom time we would all be unhappy. At first there were no other people around the children's section. There was a storytime class though that let out shortly after and suddenly there were people everywhere and I was like child is covered in barf. I know what this looks like. I forget though that for the most part, other people don't really take notice of others because they are just as flustered as I am.

So the l ibrary has a computer for little kids with this near program where you can choose lots of different programs to learn .....stuff......I picked some alphabet stuff but of course S just sat there hammering on the keyboard. The library lady didnt seem to care so I let her. She's not allowed to touch any of our technology. Ya, I'm that kind of mom. It was really cool though. In a few months she may be more interested.

Potty training is....going. Its not as exhausting for the moment. The problem is that when we aren't home she forgets to tell me she needs to go and I forget to just put her on the toilet except when we first arrive or leave somewhere. Somehow I manage to miss her a lot. I suppose in time this will improve. She's right about needing to go when we are at home so I know she knows when she has to go. Maybe I need to take a couple of days and let her run around in just underware or something. Really don't want to clean up pee everywhere. Ugh.

I think I have written enough for today. I guess I'll get cracking on the coupon trading. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Tomorrow hubbie had to take the day because I have a doctors appointment at 11 and couldnt find a sitter. Woo Hoo! This dr you have to wait for about an hour to see for a bout 2 seconds. So should be interesting *rolls eyes*

Ive been having annoyingly weird dreams.

Usually I enjoy my weird dreams: they make for good stories usually. Lately though its been snippets of things that I remember instead of entire dreams. I remember people and their moods and thats about it. I had some dream about Elvis. Can't remember anything about it. Last night there were angry people. Guys wearing plaid shirts. Yeah.

So I decided to read through Ephesians ( thank you mommy - i asked her to pick)
One major issue. Paul ( though to be fair it IS translated from another language) with his run on sentences gives me a headache. Now I understand why people get mad at me when my grammar is all screwed up. My phone's keyboard period doesn't work and auto correct. Oh auto correct. Anyhow it gives me a headache. Im so glad Jesus kept his words short and to the point. Well, a little puzzling with all the metaphors and such but thats what you have scholars for to help do some deciphering. On another note, I LOVE Isaiah. SO much good stuff. There are so few chapters that you read and get nothing out of.

But now, this is what the Lord says—
    he who created you, Jacob,
    he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;

This is a passage I have highlighted in my bible. I remember feeling like total crap when I read this but I can't remember the situation. Usually I'll put a date in my bible when I read something that really hits me at bad time ( See! keeping books around IS a good idea -all this books on computerish devices thing....psh....give me a good old book with real pages ANY day :) )but I didnt that time lol.

Now all my text is changed. I can't figure out how to change it back. Poop.

So for like a month I havent done any coupon trading. I uploaded my copious amounts of coupons early this morning ( thanks E...) and now Im being since my stupid facebook message box doesn't work all the time ARGH!!!

I feel like i need to make two posts today. So im going to.


Monday 7 October 2013

Keeping the pregnancy test industry in business for 3 1/2 years

Today, the outdoors smelled like my childhood.

Ok, it smelled like the air after it rained at my childhood home.


We got to walk in the rain today. It wasnt too bad actually. I finally was able to use the double stroller weather shield and neither child ripped it down so that was great.

Seriously, nothing interesting has happened today as of yet.

Alright, so like I said last time, I swear im keeping the pregnancy test industry alive. Well for the past 3 1/2 years anyway. Hubbie was greatly chagrinned when I told him I was writing about this. He was afraid that family would read it and think Im pregnant again. I assured him that wouldn't happen.

I am the most paranoid person ever. Back in the day, before I could so much as look in the general direction of a male I was afraid that somehow, I would magically become pregnant and be austricized ( how IS that spelled!? its just NOT coming to me today) by my entire world when I didnt even do anything. Ya I knew the birds and the bees ( thanks Dr Dobson, you and your preparing for adolescence book - the most awkward moment of my teenagehood - though to be fair my mother did a good job, but at the time I hid under a blanket completely mortified) and i knew the getting pregnant from a toilet seat theory was false AND made no sense but still......

Of course I had no sensical reason to fear until I got married. I have even contributed to Ireland's economy in this way ( 22 euro for a pregnancy test is SERIOUSLY overpriced). I have used basically ever type you can think of, screwed up every type you can think of...I have spent probably 3x the amount on pregnancy tests than I did on my wedding dress.
Think about that.
Sad no?

Interjection: I just had what I called an Emily moment ( as in Emily Woods) I'm listening to Kirk Franklin, and without even realizing it I started rocking out.
I tired.

I worked this weekend. Other than the fact that we went for a walk and were ambushed by the clients extended family in the middle of the street ( which was...hilariously unexpected) nothing interesting happened there either.

I got tons of spaghetti squash on sale? Does that count as interesting?

E is teething like mad. This means poor naps and more night wake ups. I seriously do not envy babies. Poor bulging gums.

On another note, I have discovered a recipe for a low calorie pumpkin cream cheese loaf that Im hoping to make weight watchers and gluten free friendly to take to thanksgiving......

Speaking of gluten... I have been flirting with it way too much lately. I am discovering that homemade baked items aren't causing issues with my

Pretty sure E is this is going to end ....



Thursday 3 October 2013

You know you are a mother when you find dried up food on your underware and have absolutely no idea how it got there.

I've always had a really good memory for dates. Though its more from dates in the past such as birthdates of classmates from elementary school and usually dates that I probably shouldn't remember. Today is one of those dates. Today, several years ago I officially started dating my ex boyfriend. Seems kind of weird to me now that I am married that I remember that. However, today is also the day 4 years ago that we had our engagement photos. It was a gorgeous fall day and I was so excited to get photos with beautifully coloured leaves. Our photographer, my friend Michelle did an amazing job. She also did our wedding photos. I loved how she had all sorts of ideas, but also let me give my input and bounce ideas off of her to see if they would look good in reality and not just in my head. She also is very talented in making me look gorgeous. No, this blog isn't some kind of ploy to make you hire her. I kind of just went from one thought in to going on about her fabulous talent.

Today was just nuts. You know when you know you are doing something that's probably not smart but for the sake of your sanity you do it anyway? At the same time knowing it could save or destroy your sanity? Yeah today I made those kinds of choices.
Yesterday I had said that potty training was exhausting? Well now I have other words for it. Words my momma taught me not to use so I won't. Really it was my fault anyway.
Today we did our usual venture out doors for a couple of hours. I decided to put Sophia on the potty before leaving, bring her potty seat, and walk to the plaza we usually walk to. I gave her her milk on the way, figuring that would give her a good 15 minutes to process and then we would try the potty at Tim Hortons.
Well first of all its the tiniest bathroom in the world. I tried changing diapers there once and never did it again because there's just no room at all. So the girls, the stroller and I are all in the tiny whellechair bathroom. I have Sophia on the toilet, Elisa in the stroller and Im trying to bribe Sophia to stay on the toilet cuz I know shes going to pee and I ( at the time) only knew of that specific bathroom
I gave her goldfish crackers. She tried to shove them between her legs ( seriously what is UP with kids shoving toys and stuff between their legs!?) and drop them into the toilet so I said " dont drop em! Eat em!" SO she kept stuffing the crackers ( new ones, not the ones that went between her legs) in her mouth, grinning and saying "eat em! eat em!" She sat, she ate, I sang, Elisa squealed like a pig....about 5 minutes later, still no peeing and Sophia dropped a cracker in the toilet and I thought...oh well...shoppers HAS to have a washroom. So we fought with the "underware" ( underware fashioned cloth diaper), held sophia back from playing with the toilet seat, in the toilet water etc ( anyone who has done potty training has to know what im talking about) and wrestled her into the stroller again.
Did I mention this Tim Hortons is so not stroller accessible? Nor is it really wheelchair accessible. So there's a button to push to open the door but that's where accessibility ends. For those of you who know me well, you know I have a serious issue with wheelchair/assistive device accessibility. It really irritates me.
After our errands, on the way home, we stopped again at Tim Hortons and went through the whole process all over again. Except this time Elisa was livid. Sophia didnt pee. The lady in the stall next to us flushed her toilet which terrified them both and so there was all sorts of screaming. I was sweating like crazy and I thought to myself...why Christina...why did you choose to do this? On the brink of losing my mind I thought "its ok...i can blog about this experience. It'll be fun....Then I bundled Elisa into my wrap ( THANK you Leah) and tried to explain to sophia that she wasn't going to be able to walk cuz little sister needed mommy and trekked home.
Speaking of the wrap....ive watched tons of tutorials, all saying the same thing, and tie is exactly like them but something never seems to be right. Elisa was bouncing like someone who doesnt know how to properly ride a horse. It was kind funny.

Later on, we had supper. Sophia didnt want to eat her beef stroganoff ( like piggy with pasta. all meat that isnt pork is called "like piggy" - meaning pork is called piggy) so I said to Josh, here give her some goldfish crackers.
Her response?
"Eat em!"
What a friggin smart kid! We are so in trouble.

Another funny happening from today....
We were reading her alphabet book. She can read quite a few letters now. She still thinks I is e initially but then changes her mind. Anyway, she was reading I, so I asked her what j was
Her response?
She leaned toward me and very seriously said "twat" and then ran off.
Husbands response when I told him later?
Where did she learn THAT word?!

Its taken me all day to finish this. Tomorrow Im going to talk about how I single handedly will probably keep the pregnancy test industry alive during my childbirthing years.
( im not pregnant. I know cuz I took a test. Again. For those of you that know me well, you are not surprised, and want to smack me)

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Josh: maybe in your head you sounded like axel rose but it didn't come out that way

So potty training is exhausting.

I'm glad that Sophia is insistent on using the potty and loves using it but oh my gosh. She pees like twenty times a day and its all tiny bits. Shes like her mother.

So if you are my facebook friend you already understand my title.
If not,
this is from bath time duets of jesus loves me in abnormal voices. I thought I sounded like Axel Rose. With a touch of Billie Holiday maybe? Erm. Probably not ....It amused and scared Sophia intermittently.

There was something I was going to write about. I started composing it at 3am in my head but now I totally forget. Oh mommy brain.

Well last night Josh had a guitar lesson so I stayed home. Just before he left, there was this creepy looking guy in the dirveway walking around with a clip board looking lost. Josh told me to pretend to not be home so I went downstairs. Apparently the guy had approached him, with a clipboard with nothing but lined note paper and asked if he wanted free meat. Josh was like um no thanks. He also told the guy no one was home and then left.....and as he was driving out the guy knocked on our door anyway lol. I was in the shower by then so I didnt hear. Still. Odd. This street is full, absolutely full of people trying to sell things. I think they send all the newbie sales people here.

So we had the great weigh in monday night and i have managed to lose another pound, despite feeling like the week was shot. Yay! Today I was at a church moms group where I discovered a friend is on weight watchers and she brought low point chocolate chips cookies, which aren't gluten free, but i ate them anyway and they finally satisfied my chocolate chip cookie craving YAY!

I am tired. Whatever I was going to say clearly wasn't that important so ......

That is all.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Read the instructions on medication labels.

Yesterday evening I was supposed to be sitting in my friend Elsy's living room, sipping AMAZING, ridiculously overpriced maharaja chai oolong/samurai chai mate tea mixed, having adult conversation.

But I wasn't

I had been feeling like I was coming down with a cold for a few days. So I had been taking some sinus medications at night before going to sleep. I had been feeling ridiculously drowsy and wasn't sure why. So I decided to stay at home. Since Josh was giving Elsy's husband a guitar lesson in the basement, I decided to take the sinus medication and lie in bed with the laptop watching clips about the Duggars ( IM SO mad TLC won't post full episodes of 19 kids and counting GRR).

Around 7:15, I suddenly felt like I had been punched in the face with a tranquilizer. I decided it was best to stop watching Duggar stuff, take out my contacts and lie down.

The next time I woke up was Josh asking me if I was ok. I then began to try to explain what was going on, in a thick drugged up voice, apologizing for the fact that I needed to stay in bed and sleep.

I am seriously the worst at self medicating. Sorry excuse for a nurse. I just take whatever I think is going to work the best. This isnt the first time I have had weird experiences. You would think that I had learned by now but no.....

Friday night Josh and I went out on a lovely date and ate amazing food - not sure it was all that weight watchers friendly, but since I did lose a pound I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought.

My inlaws came for the weekend and we had a very nice time. My mother in law always brings lots of food and its always good. She also brought her amazing carrot cake which I ate only 1 ( and a bite) piece of. That  requires a level of  discipline that I can't even describe to you.
Sophia has somehow got it in her head that Dave and Sue are both Grandma. She was running around babbling grandma repeatedly. It was kind of funny. Naturally, shortly after they left she finally said grandpa.

We are on the road to finally joining a small group. We have to take a three week class at church to find out about their beliefs and the way they run the church. Its kind of the stepping stone to deciding whether or not you really want to go to the church. So far so good.

Sophia decided that she is going to be potty trained. We were hoping to wait til Christmas, but no. Potty has become her favourite word. She wants to be on it alot. And everytime she says it, she really does go - or i have left her too long and she has gone in her diaper. Today she has had one wet diaper so far. She wears cloth so she usually has gone through quite a few by now. The one issue I am having is that she will sometimes pee a tiny bit. I will leave her on for a few more minutes, she insists she is done and then a short time later she wants to go again. She actually does too. So I am a bit at a loss. Its frustrating because poor Elisa is getting left alone more than I would like. Any suggestions would be wonderful....

Oh, heres another reason to use cloth - its much easier to fashion a pair of underware out of a cloth diaper and pull it on like underware when they are done with the potty, than try to wrestle with them and put a disposable diaper on. Especially if you have a child like mine who is determined to grab the potty seat and play with it or "fix" it to go back on the toilet seat the way they think it should go.
Its kind of exciting and she looks soooo happy when she goes. I cant believe my kids are growing up so fast.....

Now I need to listen to last sundays sermon and try to stop eating carrots. Im turning into a rabbit.


Friday 27 September 2013


Alright, so here we go, the story of Elisa, For Elisa.

I suspected I was pregnant with Elisa very early on. The telling sign? I had to eat breakfast. Twice. Or else my blood sugar dropped significantly and I felt like I was going to puke if I didnt eat ONE MORE THING.

We found out I was pregnant the same day I became an avon lady. That was May 30th of so 2012. Naturally I was a little alarmed, as Sophia was just 3 months old. I kind of had a bit of a psycho time for the first 2 months of Sophia's life and I had just started feeling normal again and was dreading feeling crazy again.

We also had a landlord who made life more stressful than it needed to be.

I'm convinced there was some serious spiritual oppression there because when we left things got better in most ways.

So ya I was stressed about our living situation, robbing Sophia of her mother, robbing the baby of her mother etc etc.

When I told my mother she called Josh and I a pair of rabbits. She was trying to make me laugh. It worked.
My dad said he wasn't surprised. lol.

We told my inlaws on fathers day weekend. Again. We had just told them about the problems with our landlord ( I say this so you can understand my mother in laws reaction) My father in law calmly stated that he already knew. My mother in law said " you need to get out of here" We told aunt and uncles via skype since they were all far away. Jeremy chastized Josh about having children with such close birthdays because their birthdays are 2 days apart. How could he do this to his children?! It was funny though, not in a mean way.

So I knew very early on that this baby was going to be a girl and her name would be Elisa. Everyone else thought I was having a boy. But not me. I knew. I struggled with a lot of feelings of inadequacy. One day in the early days, before the first ultrasound, I was at the midwives waiting for my appointment. I started flipping through a book called Surprise Child. I was very surprised to find bible verses at the beginning of each chapter. I read through it a bit. Then I saw this verse : Isaiah 49 :1b and 3
The LORD called me before my birth;
from within the womb he called me by name.He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel,
and you will bring me glory.”
It was like God was yelling at me through the pages. Not in a bad way. In a "please hear me" kind of way
From that moment I no longer feared. Well, sometimes a little but I knew that my little one was here for a purpose. Created by God to fulfill some sort of plan. It just made me realize that though it would be hard for me, that wasnt what the focus should've been.  Also, I had no idea, but Elisa means dedicated to God.

The first ultrasound made me fall in love with her. She was so calm. She kept falling asleep - a huge contrast to Sophia who looked like she was dancing the entire time.

Actually she kind of looked like a little kolbassa. I was told I couldnt call her that though.

She was pretty chill and didnt really make her presence known too often until about 28 weeks. I mean I had movement and she hiccupped but she wasnt giving me too much discomfort.
Then for the next 10 weeks it was like she was waging war on my pelvis.
Then...all chill again. She actually had turned head up around 30 weeks and then went back again so I suspect thats why it was so horrifically uncomfortable.

The birth story....well. She was due on the 27th. The early morning of the 28th I was sure I was in labour. I had contractions in the middle of the night and pain. After three hours it stopped though. I spent the whole next day working on Sophia's scrapbook like mad - convinced Elisa was coming any second.

My midwife, the same one I had with Sophia who doesnt get flustered and is in no way like me - animated and dramatic - stated firmly that once labour started I needed to think about getting to the hospital because there may not be much time. I had considered a home birth but after what happened wtih Sophia, and the fact that Sophia, being just 12 months old would be in the house ( and i am not quiet. Low moans? Are you joking. Thats NOT how I roll. )I didnt want to scar her. However, the morning of the 29th I was dreaming about labour, waking briefly from painful contractions but fully woke up at 4 again, and sat up startled, realizing these were real contractions and should be timing them. So for an hour or so I timed them and then woke up Josh. I spent another hour hunched over my pillow crying for no apparent reason, and having really strong contractions. I was actually scared we wouldnt make it to the hospital...because once we got to the hospital, I stopped crying.
Anyway, it was....such a good labour. I actually had like a minute between contractions. I could rest, eat, drink, chat, laugh. My student midwife said I was the most pleasant labouring woman she had ever seen ( she was a senior student...and also pregnant though she didnt tell us until I was discharged cuz frankly she couldnt hide it anymore). My labour kept starting and stopping. I was ridiculously drowsy for no apparent reason ( maybe cuz my iron was like 6) and just wanted to have the baby. After a while I got an epidural. Boy wasnt that fun.
The anestetist insisted on educating the student on how to give an epidural. At one point he was like " No! you need to keep the alcohol away from the sterile field otherwise that can get into her cerebral spinal fluid and she will become paralyzed.
Awesome. Thats just what I want to hear.
Anyway, the same pattern of stopping and starting continued for several more hours. It got boring. especially since they wouldnt let me walk around because Elisa's heart rate kept skyrocketing.
Again, Exact opposite of her sister. Its continued.
Finally she was born at 4:15 that evening. She had to be vaccumed. Thanks to modern literature I blamed myself for having an epidural, but when the student was making sure everything had exited ( im keeping it clean), she held up the cord, made a very weird face and said " this is a really short cord" the midwife confirmed that statement was correct. The next day the student told me that 40% of births with short cords do need intervention because the baby has a hard time
The dr was a total butcher though. I was in extreme pain. And I had drugs. Sheesh.

So thats the birth story of little Elisa. She was jaundice and so we had to stay a bit. I wish I had kept her little glasses. I hated her having to wear them and be in the incubator cuz i wanted to see her face and hold her, but now, I think it would have been cute to see how much she has grown.

So there you have it, but babies birth stories. I assume that this blog will be here forever, even if i abandon it one day but the stories are now written down while they are still fairly fresh in my memory for them to read one day.

Now I believe they are both awake, therefore, I shall sign off.

“If you are disorderly, you are a rapist of peace and quiet.”

Okay so I said I wasn't going to post today but here I am.

Somehow I've managed to do 80% of everything I need to do before tonight.

Thanks to my brother in law who has copious amounts of music that I yearly rip off him, I am enjoying the soundtrack to my currently blogging experience.

I tried to plan a surprise date for Josh, but yesterday was kind of an ick day for him so I didn't want to stun him with plans to not only leave the house, but insist he dress up for the occasion when all he wanted to do was veg. Surprisingly when I confessed my plans his eyes lit up and he eagerly said "yes! date!"

So anyway, yesterday afternoon my dear friend Leanne texts me to tell me that her husbands car key, that i bent trying to break into my house a few weeks ago ( that's a whole other story) wasnt working and might cost 200$ to replace. ARGH right? Well thankfully its only costing $8. Phew! Thats one of those THINK CHRISTINA moments I need to remember. Yeesh. Or maybe I just need to remember my keys. Or rather remember that they are in the diaper bag that is outside the house with me. Grr.

Today's title is courtesy of the Mindy Project. Josh and I are huge office fans, so when we heard Mindy Kaling was having her own show we decided to try and check it out. We had seen an episode from season 1 and then forgot about it until last night when we were both seriously bummed and not wanting to watch a serious show.

So. Funny. I seriously laughed outloud so many times. Especially at this quote. Mindy is arrested for accidentally riding a bike into someones pool, drunk, and she asks the cop why they arent out looking for murderers and rapists and the cop replies “If you are disorderly, you are a rapist of peace and quiet.”

Thats really all i have to say on the subject of life at this time.

Thursday 26 September 2013

My little Sidekicks

Today I picked up Elisa and was looking at her ridiculously adorable smiling face and realized that she will be 8 months on sunday.

Since I will be too busy to blog tomorrow and my inlaws are visiting this weekend I decided to do something a little different today. Its more for me and maybe even my babies when they are older.

Im going to talk about birth stories! ( Men, dont worry, Im keeping it clean!)

Anyway, it would make more sense to talk about Sophia first, even though it was Elisa who inspired this.

So Sophia was due on January 15th 2012. I was a walrus who could barely walk at that point. I was a little scared but was missing being able to roll over in bed. My friend Courtney who had had a baby a year before me, asked if I was able to roll over still, when I was about 32 weeks pregnant. I thought that was a very strange question. A silly question.
A few weeks later I realized it was not.

We discovered I was pregnant the day we were leaving for our first anniversary getaway. I took two tests because I wasn't sure the stick was right. Then I played the sims and waited for Josh to come home so I could tell him. I simply handed the test over and he was all excited. For some reason i couldn't verbally tell people I was pregnant. Not because I was unhappy but I think I just felt embarrassed everyone knew that I had had sex.
I know right? I blame my mother ( I know you are reading this. I love you. You are awesome)
When we told my mom she didnt believe us. We had made the mistake of giving her a baby bib for christmas as a joke because she got bifocals and would spill food on her chest. You know we will all be doing that one day. Anyway, she had been then convinced that thats how we had chosen to tell her we were having a baby and got all excited. We were really confused. It eventually got cleared up and mom was totally bummed out. So when it was real, it took some convincing. Then she was very happy.
Dad was also happy. I cant remember his exact reaction but i remember telling him in my inlaws driveway on my cell phone.
We told my inlaws on fathers day. My sister in law was there and her fiancee was supposed to be there, and we were skyping my brother in we figured, perfect time! Everyone will be there. Alas, brother in law to be was not so he got a text from seester. Im pretty sure my mother in law said hee haw cuz thats how she rolls and i love it.

Anyway, Sophia was an ACTIVE baby. She had her naps and stuff and was very kind to me at night. I was working at a school at the time and every now and then Id let out a little yelp from the back corner of the classroom and the teacher would stop teaching and ask if it was the baby attacking me again. Sophia also hiccuped alot. I didn't realize it was hiccuping and thought she was just incessantly tapping her toe or something. I crocheted alot when I was pregnant with her so i used to run my hook across my belly and she would follow it. It was fun.

By week 40 it was no longer fun. I could elaborate but I promised to keep it clean. At some point during week 40 I stopped being terrified and just really wanted labour to come. My midwife had been trying different things to help the process along. My prenatal class lady had me all freaked out about having to have a csection and the evils of epidurals and being induced so I was horrified about that possibility.
However, my amazing midwife decided to go ahed and book an induction just incase for the following Sunday January 22.
Friday January 20th I woke up feeling crampy. I leapt ( as well as a huge walrus of a pregnant woman can leap) out of bed and threw open the spare room door where my mom was sleeping and said " MOM! Ive got cramps!" and then gathered up all the laundry i could find and waddled at a ridiculous speed down the stairs to put on the laundry. Then I had a bath, painstakingly shaved my legs and demanded that mommy paint my toes. Then we waited.......and waited......
I had a planned midwife appointment planned for 1230. I watched the clock and my contractions were mild and coming every half hour or so. We went to the appointment and we were all giddy with excitement and got mcdonalds on the way home
First mistake
Josh came home and we made dinner.
kraft dinner and fried weiners with onions
mistake number 2
we played wizard junior
the contractions got worse so i laid down and wimpered.
mom called everyone we knew and could hardly contain her worry. She IS my mother after all. She was mad i wasnt going to the hospital. Looking back its kind of amusing. We left around 9. It was starting to storm and we had to drive to Ajax from Scarborough. On the way there my inlaws called back and i couldnt talk cuz i was contracting. They had gotten a dog. We talked about her name. I said they should call her winnie for the female version of Winston their previous dog ( who was a LOT more chill than Winnie is).

The next parts dont need to be talked about much. I ended up getting the evil epidural cuz my body decided that i needed to have constant contractions. I didnt realize you were supposed to keep pushing the button to get medicine though. I thought the button they gave me was a fancy call bell. I snapped angrily at the anestesiologist who asked me , in the middle of yelling through a contraction, if i was having a contraction. I stopped yelling long enough to bark NO! sarcastically in her general direction. She made some comment along the lines of me being testy.
My midwife was AMAZING. They almost had to do an emergency CSection ( which i didn't know til later) and i could tell that my normally chill calm unflustered midwife was flustered, unchill and uncalm though she did an excellent job of trying to hide it, as she told me that it was important that I push well.
Clearly God knew this and boom here she was. My biggest annoyance when they flopped her on my chest was that they flopped her so far down I couldn't see her cute little face.
A lot of weird things happened after that. My midwives each had students. I knew my 1st midwife;s student very well. I absolutely adored her. My other midwife's student was....uhm. Lets just say she didn't pass the program. She was basically the weirdness that happened.

And now she is 20 months old and seems to be adding words to her vocabulary daily. She is so smart and sweet and stubborn and entertaining. She brings me so much joy and frustration all at once. She was taking the silverware out of the drawer and I told her to stop about three time and finally got on my knees, took her hands, told her that stuff can hurt her and if she did it again she would have to go in a timeout. Then I kissed both her hands ( because whenever i tell her she will have to go in a timeout she puts herself in it and thats not effective so i do that sort of thing so she knows shes not in trouble YET lol) She grinned and kissed me on the lips. Which normally i dont like , but it was just such a sweet moment.
Then she put herself in timeout.
So I had to deal with that lol.

Well little Elisa is now awake so I have to stop typing. Next week I shall write hers. I didnt get time to edit so ......yeah. 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Adventures in the big city - guest starring Sarah R

Well today's big adventure was to go see Sarah, my old nursing school friend.
I hadn't seen Sarah for four years. Back before we had children, our nursing lisences and our men. But wouldn't you know, it was like no time had past. I was comfortable enough around her to eat a piece of banana that fell on the floor when first Sophia and then Elisa rejected it. Or maybe it was the other way around. Regardless it was rejected by both children AND fell on the floor.

So, I had somehow managed to forget that the closer you get to Toronto the more my time management is completely useless. But I am getting ahead of myself.

So we all piled into the car and we are driving. Sometimes. Stop and go stop and go. We were listening to this preacher on the radio ( who i mostly didnt hear cuz i was searching for something on my phone, getting more and more car sick) and all of a sudden we hear a terrible, retching very wet sound. We looked at each other. Josh says "oh thats not good" I took off my belt and crammed around to see Elisa, smiling and absolutely covered in a pool of barf


So after a ridiculously long time we arrive at the school and Josh leaves ( after making sure im ok, I must make that known). At first glance I decided the puke wasn't as terrible as first thought.When I got close up however......I was assaulted with a smell so terrible I literally gagged and was convinced my breakfast was going to come up in the parking lot ( I wonder if that would mean that I would get my 4 points of breakfast back if that had happened?....Leanne? Ever covered that in a weight watchers meeting?)
Anyway I cleaned her up and we were on our way.
My next mission was to get us coffee. If I have learned anything from my time living in the city it is that when you see a place you are wanting to go, go there NOW. Don't wait for the proverbial "next" one. Chances are there will be ten more along your route, but its more likely there isn't. So I went to the mcDonalds near ikea.
Again, i forget about how bloody LONG everything takes. I was in the line up for at least ten minutes. I rolled down the window so Sophia could look out and the SMELL! UGH! Not to mention the most ghetto car wash I've ever seen ( not including the one in Omemee....though i wouldnt necessarily call that ghetto - more like redneck. If its still in existence) There were wires sticking out everywhere. I actually thought it wasn't in operation any longer. And people think Scarborough is bad. HA
So we eventually made it to Sarah's and I got lost getting in, and lost in the parking lot. You all go ahead and laugh, you would get lost too! Anyway we had a very nice time together, her baby is so cute and sweet. Sweet little baby decided to puke all over her poor mama when we were out in the parking garage saying goodbye. Luckily for Sarah, her baby had already puked on my sweater, so i took it off and cleaned Sarah up.
Yes I am that kind of person.
Next time I go see Sarah, Im finding a new drive thru.

No offense to Sarah, but i have saved the best for last.....
Last night, Josh and I are bathing the girls. I usually end up taking Elisa out first because she tries to climb out of the tub. I was changing her when I heard shouts from the bathroom. Josh was yelling frantically. I forget his exact words. Then I hear water, and Sophia shrieking.
Turns out she pooed in the tub. This is only the second time this has happened, and the first was when she was about 5 days old. Later Josh explained that he saw poo...and then more poo....and then more poo. He had been in the middle of washing Sophia's hair and was trying to rinse it with clean water from the tap and for whatever reason that made Sophia hysterical. After I put Elisa to sleep, I went to clean up the poo.
Not something one wants to do at the end of a long day right? Well...I went in there, armed with my walmart grocery bag to use as a glove to pick out all the poop. Turns out there was a hole in it. So it didnt protect at all. It just collected poopy water all over my hand. Also, the poo had been left in there long enough that it gotten all soft so it was falling into bits every time I grabbed a piece. Poo really is an awfully weird consistency. Anyway, i threw it all in the toilet, cleaned the tub and hubbie opens the door and says " I was going to clean that up!"
Ugh. I really need to learn to just....slow down every now and then lol.

One last thing: The downfalls of these cauliflower pizza crusts. I took one out of the freezer when I came home to make myself one. I was super hungry so I decided to stick it in the oven to thaw it quickly. It became mush and now the kitchen smells like  someone hot boxed it with vegetable farts. But it still tasted good.

One more time for seester <3
Just sign off

Tuesday 24 September 2013


Well here we are day three

The children are all tucked up nice in their beds sleeping *crosses fingers* Lately I've been using naptime to eat, watch a video series ( that i'm enjoying very much) on prayer and blogging. Its feeling so much  more fulfilling than watching netflix and cleaning the kitchen.

Today was one of those weird days, where you are walking around, enjoying the sun and the nice crisp fall air. Side note : Fall is so deceiving. It makes you believe the air you are breathing is fresh and clean. You go from the summer, enduring the oppressive, hair poofing humidity, feeling like you are in a constant sauna ( asthmatics everywhere cry!) and then suddenly the air turns and holds the sharpness of the impending doom about to come ( ahem winter) and you think "oh! the air! its clean!"
Lies. All lies.
But I still enjoy it.
Side note over.
So I'm walking, enjoying the sun...and i start to notice that people are looking at me Smiling. Not in the "oh my gosh your kids are so cute! are they boys or girls? are they twins?" kind of way. Its an odd smile. One I can't describe. I start to there something on my face? Do I have trails of boogers on my beautiful pashmina that I have watched videos about how to tie in 30 different ways and tried about ten? Are my children doing something weird? Is there something stuck to my butt?
I have no answers.

Today's excursion was to the chiropractor.
If you live in the durham region and need a chiropractor, go see Dr. Natalie. I LOVE Natalie. If we didn't meet on a professional level we would be great friends. I'm about 6 months older than her, we both like old school blue rodeo, she cracks my back and I make her laugh. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have been walking at all at the end of my pregnancy with Elisa. She also kept Elisa's copious amounts of spitting up at bay. Now I know some of you are probably freaking out over the fact that I took my newborn to a chiropractor, but honestly, massive difference. Elisa is also my second tend to be a lot more relaxed the second time. Anyway, I do actually have a photo of Natalie adjusting baby Elisa when she was about 2 months old, but since I took it for the scrapbook and did not ask her permission to post it in my blog, I won't be posting it here.

Up until school started up again, I hadn't been bringing the children with me to get adjusted. I've been braving it however with them. Its not a far walk -about 20 minutes. I always seem to be late though. So I've walked there three times now, and every time, Sophia has a total meltdown. I think she thinks I'm being tortured or something. Last time we went, Elisa sat quietly in the corner, picking Kleenexes out of the garbage can and tried to eat them until Natalie noticed and took them away. This time she sat in the corner screaming. If you know my Elisa, you know shes happy 90% of the time. Like, you prematurely wake her from a nap and she grins at you. Not today. She just sat and screamed. Sophia was clinging to my foot with one hand, clutching her bottle with another and shrieking like a banshee. She alternated between grabbing my foot and hovering at my shoulder. Not even this old man or ten in the bed would console her. Absolutely ridiculous. As soon as we left the exam room, everything was roses and buttercups again. Maybe they are scared of the spine model.

Id really like to get inside my kids heads sometimes. It'd be wonderful to know what the heck they think is going on.

There is something else I'd like to blog about but I have been sworn to secrecy by the powers that be. I will say....that there is a certain product I'm doing a review survey for that I used to think tasted horrid but now suddenly tastes nice....I will share it later on. If I remember.

So last night was weigh number 3 ( and yes im using this blog as well as a means of keeping me accountable - though I have buddy Leanne for that - I have to keep her proud ha ha!). I didn't gain, didn't lose, but that's cuz i used my points last week on terrible things. SO this weeks goal - protein, protein and protein. Probably less bananas too. Better those though than chocolate chips......

Also, I need some help. I usually send my sponsored child a gift. I'm not supposed to but I do. I pray over that package like mad, that some idiot in the kampala office won't be a douche, steal it and take it home to his kids or sell it. She always gets whatever I send. Now I'm all out of ideas. I have sent lots of math books ( her parents at first sounded like they thought I was wasteful cuz I sent clothes and jump ropes. Once I started sending educational books they loved me heh) clothes and jump ropes, colouring supplies etc. I sometimes feel bad because they aren't supposed to get things that aren't totally flat and I think the other children probably get nothing and Alice ( thats her name, Alice. You can tell from her pictures that shes got 'tude. I love it) gets stuff. Anyway, I need to send very soon if she's to get it by Christmas. So any ideas would be appreciated.

Ok, here is it again dear seester :
Just sign off

Monday 23 September 2013

Seriously lacking in good post titles.....

So I had been inspired by my friend Steve Warburton ( who is a champion of photo of the days and is currently doing a blog a day on facebook, allowing others to choose the titles. My day is coming up so soon Im excited. Its going to be different than anyone elses. Weeee!!!) to do a blog a day.

Clearly that didnt happen. But I thought about it. Instead, perhaps a blog a weekday? Lets see if the children allow for that to happen.

Nothing really exciting to talk about. I worked this weekend. My client spent 3 of the 5 hours I was working, sleeping. Like a little angel. I would be lying if I said I wasn't insanely jealous. Instead I cleaned everything I could clean and then watched tv.

Can I just say, childrens tv is NOT what childrens tv used to be. The family channel I think its designed to teach 10 year olds to be 30. IIIIII dont even act like half of these people. Nor do I look as good. Nor have I ever for that matter. Its good to see that todays children are learning that once lust fades its the proper time to end a relationship. Not trying to bash people who have been divorced or anything ( most people i know who are divorced its for very good reason) but I am a little concerned about my kids growing up with tv that teaches them that relationships must always carry excitement and spark. I LOVE my husband. I certainly don't feel the same way about him now that I did when we met. Frankly Im glad. Nothing would ever get done, and in that cloudy haze of ridiculous amounts of dopamine shooting out of every single neuron,making us pathetic beings we didnt really get to KNOW each other as well as we did when the crap of life started raining down on us every now and then. He irritates me, I irritate him ( but even when he's irritating he's SO CUTE!!!!! * siblings puking sounds can be heard from thousands of miles away*). You dont live with someone and never get cranky or annoyed with them. Thats life. There are plenty of valid  reasons to end a relationship but thats not one.
Anyway, I lack the ability to fully express myself sometimes. So that didnt come out as eloquently as I would have like. That was irritating factor number 1 for the weekend.

So hubbie and I are on weight watchers. Today completes week three. So far between us we have lost 11 pounds and we will see what happens when we weigh tonight. Anyway, on the way home from work i was craving sweetness. I was craving McDonalds vanilla chai tea latte. So I got one thinking it couldn't possibly be more than 6 points. Id been very good all day so that I could have popcorn with 2 tbsp of light butter for a snack that night ( YES i DO measure it out)...
Well I got home, and checked.
That bloody drink was 11 freaking points for a small
And it all went downhill from there. I was snapping at hubbie over nothing. You know that spark talked about in the upper paragraph? Well poor hubbie wasn't feeling anything good from nasty pants me. Not until Sunday morning after Id gotten a good sleep and was my happy sweet magical self again. Ha. ha. ha.

So we have been checking out a new church lately. REALLY enjoying it. Some of my previous re configured thoughts are being pre configured......does that make sense? Is that even a word? Hm. Anyway, really enjoying the preaching ( very biblically based. no hollywoodizations. im big on that.) especially the striving to be a welcoming and loving church to EVERYONE. Not just the cool people, not just the veterans, everyone. We have had a few conversations with all the pastors and we have only been going for 6 weeks, and they even know our names ( well the two we've talked to more than once) Im impressed. Their particular church focus really seems so far to fit with what Josh and I have been wanting to serve with and live with.

Also, I shredded three large head of cauliflower during naptime yesterday. I have never wanted a food processor more in my life than ever before. I made about 14 "mini" pizza crusts out of it. No, I dont have pictures. I didn't have time for that. As if I could even hold my camera still after that gigantic workout. But if you want one come get one. :D 2 ww points each! So simple to make too. IF you have a food processor.

My eldest child is faceplanting repeatedly in her crib now. She is always so great at letting us know she is awake. Whether its yelling, crying, faceplanting, jumping or rocking into the headboard, its never quiet. NO need for a monitor. Its especially wonderful when she does it in the middle of the night. ZZZZzzzzzzzzz

On another, happier note, she sings Jesus loves me. When she gets to "but He is strong" she gets very excited and says it with great emphasis. So cute. She developed that all on her own. Then somehow "backpack" from Dora the explorer makes its way in. Remixes of a toddler.

Because of this wake up I do not have time to insert more magenta into my blog design. But it will be there. Its going to look like a blog that belongs to a 14 yr old. Because inside, I am a 14 yr old. Just ask my babysitters. I frequently forget they aren't my peers and Im supposed to be an example.

and now, to let my dear seester have her way ( maybe just this once.....but maybe it will be twice. It all depends on how i feel) I will sign off the way she instructed :

Just sign off

Friday 20 September 2013


Ah at last a blog

So I have mentioned on facebook that i have been blogging in my head for quite a while now. Im so excited to finally have some kind of outlet. I mean I have a serious lack in adult conversation these days, and since im the only adult around, well you do the math.

Anyhow, I used to blog alot. For as long as I can remember I have loved writing. I actually have a story i wrote in kindergarten. It makes no sense to me now and you can pick out like three words, but due to the pictures of people and things i cut out from a catalogue I deduce that the story is about a beautiful princess named lynn ( in a jean material dress, go 80s!!!) whose prince was lured away by a red head in a turquoise wide neck sweater...or something like that. As I got older I wrote, wrote , wrote and up until last year had a ton of stories that i never did finish. I finally , sadly parted with them after not exactly going to make my living writing.

I posted a lot on blogs in my early twenties, but thats was an icky time I'd rather forget 75% of. The only thing i may adapt from them is my tendency to make blog titles of quotes or song lyrics.

So that brings us here.

Why did I choose this name? Well, first I will admit the word peregrinate is brand new to me ( as of 15 minutes ago). I was trying to think or something having to do with direction. So i used my trusty friend thesaurus. Peregrinate means : "to travel - especially by foot" This struck a chord with me as
1. Ive been doing a lot of walking lately. It keeps the girls happy ( maybe it helps mommy more sane?)
 and breaks up the day a bit, and is also good for chasing away baby weight. Wee!
2. The relationship with God is frequently described as walking with God. There seems to be a pattern in my life every 5 years or so, where it is totally redefined. This time in my life seems to be one of those times as well so, again, title appropriate.

Also, my husband with be ecstatic that I chose a title with two Ps. Its not quite an aliteration, but close enough.

I havent yet figured out how I'm going to choose to end my blog posts, so, for now, I'm just going to stop writing